Complete Health Dentistry

What Is Complete Health Dentistry?

Complete Health Dentistry is an approach to oral care that recognizes the connection between oral health and your overall wellness. You cannot have a healthy body without a healthy mouth! Instead of putting a bandaid on dental issues, Complete Health Dentistry takes a proactive approach by addressing the root cause of your problems before they can impact your whole-body health. With Complete Health Dentistry as the cornerstone of our practice, Dr. Fair and Dr. Vaidya are wholly committed to your best health and brightest smile.

You Deserve to be Healthy!

Dr. Fair and Dr. Vaidya are champions of preventive care. You can avoid physical health problems that compound due to poor oral health. Some of these issues include:

  • Diabetes: 95% of adults in the United States that are diagnosed with diabetes are also diagnosed with periodontal disease.
  • Heart Disease and Stroke: Research shows that the risk for cardiac arrest can jump when periodontal disease goes unchecked.
  • Pregnancy and Birth: Premature birth and low birth weight has been correlated with individuals who struggle with periodontal disease.
  • Respiratory Issues: When periodontal disease begins to occur, chances of having issues with your respiratory system and your lungs can begin to increase.
  • Many More Problems: These can include sleep apnea, pancreatic cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and obesity. 

Prevention Is Everything

Health > Disease

The key to a healthy mouth is prevention. Our goal is to enhance your overall wellness and oral health with our Complete Health Dentistry approach — an approach that is rooted in preventive care. When you enroll at Arlington Dental Group as a patient, ​​Dr. Fair and Dr. Vaidya will begin with a thorough exam, capture x-rays, and clean your teeth so you can stay ahead of any potential risks to your health. They will then share all findings about the state of your oral health, answer your questions, and discuss any health concerns. No matter your needs, Dr. Fair and Dr. Vaidya are here to provide tailored, comprehensive care. 

Lifestyle Habits To Support Complete Health Dentistry

Dr. Fair and Dr. Vaidya are champions of preventive care. You can avoid physical health problems that compound due to poor oral health. Some of these issues include:

  • Avoid going to bed without brushing
  • Brush at least twice per day for two minutes
  • Clean your tongue
  • Floss and use mouthwash
  • Limit sugary and acidic drinks
  • Drink more water

Start Your Wellness Journey With Complete Health Dentistry

Your oral health and whole-body wellness are connected, and your thriving health depends on your oral care. By choosing a complete health practice, you not only elevate your oral health, but you can elevate your complete health as well. Start your wellness journey today by scheduling an appointment today!

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(614) 451-7377 today!